E-vangie Tales #20 A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Sometimes the unremarkable can be incredibly significant and wonderful…

My family and I had just enjoyed a great dinner at “The Spot” in Hermosa and then walked down to the beach under a brilliant moonlit evening. There had been no natural opportunity that day to share the Gospel and I wondered how I was going to present the Good News to someone now that it was getting late and the people were few.

We took off our shoes and walked on the soft warm sand towards the water while a refreshing breeze caressed our faces. As we strolled together, I was reminded once again how blessed I am to have such a gorgeous wife and two cute and lively little girls. God gave this to me! He entrusted me with a family! What was He thinking? What a great and awesome God I serve!

D.D. and Laurel Ann climbed excitedly into the swings on Second Street and I began to push them slowly. Karen sat down to gaze at the still dark ocean while a hint of sunlight protested as it melted into the Pacific.

I spoke softly to my girls, “Jesus Christ died for our sins…”

They repeated, “Jesus Christ died for our sins…”

“…He was buried for three days…”

They said, “…He was buried for three days…”

“…and rose again!”

“…and rose again!”

The waves lapped gently against the shoreline. Stars peeked out one by one through heaven’s black canvas. Silhouetted against the horizon was my beautiful family.

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

By: Pastor Steve Sanchez

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