Comments (19)

  1. Steve L.


    Absolutely amazing! I don’t think your record can be broken, but it certainly is something to shoot for! Maybe I’ll try for 66, if you get my drift!

  2. RyanShirtz


    Steve, if you go out on Black Friday to either a Toys R Us or a Best Buy you can hand out 200-300 tracks in a row quite easy.

  3. Logical


    Please quit infringing upon peoples lives with your beliefs. It’s fine that you believe them and cherish them, but some people simply do not need religion in their lives to be happy and stable members to society. I have no problem what so ever with religion until I’m walking down the street and some guy stops me and tries to jam his beliefs down my throat without me asking him what his beliefs are. Honestly it’s just VERY rude.

    • Glenn Parker


      Logical, that’s very…..logical. Unfortunately, we aren’t out proclaiming the Gospel so that more people will be happy or so that more will contribute to society.

      If it were possible to bind you and drag you into Heaven against your will, we’d do it. In the same way, I will forcefully remove my four year old son from a 110 volt outlet, even though he really wants to see what happens when he sticks that fork in. He won’t like my actions and he might think ugly thoughts about me, but I’m okay with that.

      However, we must stop at warning you of your impending doom. If that offends you, we’re okay with that.

      • Logical

        “If that offends you, we’re okay with that.”
        Well at least you don’t mind showing your TRUE colors.

      • Logical

        And also this, “If it were possible to bind you and drag you into Heaven against your will, we’d do it.” sounds like a violent dictatorship, not a loving religion with outstanding morals.

      • Chris

        Glenn you wrote “If it were possible to bind you and drag you into Heaven against your will, we’d do it.”

        So you’d force us into your religion against our wills. That must include lying. How can we ever trust anything you or Steve say? You’ve just destroyed your witness.

        But don’t worry Glenn & Steve. I’m sure rather than repenting of your arrogance and ego worship I’m sure you’ll reject the truth once again in all unrighteousness.

    • Steve L.


      “I have no problem what so ever with religion until I’m walking down the street and some guy stops me and tries to jam his beliefs down my throat without me asking him what his beliefs are. Honestly it’s just VERY rude.”

      Since you have no problem with religion, I suggest you visit orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27)! It’s far more important to obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29)!
      Send me a picture of your smiling face and I’ll be sure not to bother you when “I’m walking down the street!”

      • Logical

        I have done plenty of volunteer work in my community. But not to reserve a spot in heaven or to look good for god, but because I care about other human beings especially in their times of need. You don’t have to be religious to feel love for other people. And telling me to send you a picture of me so you wont bother me very sarcastically as you did was very infantile on your part and I can only hope one day you will lose some of the anger in your heart that makes you make such remarks.

      • Chris

        To paraphrase Nigel.

        Fundies don’t tell the truth. Worship of ego, no truth.

  4. RyanShirtz


    Atheists complain all the time about a single Christian handing out a track, but what about the constant flow of advertising, which presents a world view?, or music and movies that present a worldview? You seem to have no complaint about that which tells you what to buy(advertisment) or how to think using subtle assumptive language (music,movies, books) if anything infringes upons anyone’s beliefs it would be those areas!

    Or should I also add your fellow atheists that force their beliefs upon others through the use of costly lawsuits because a very generalized prayer on a school mural that cost a city hundreds of thousands of dollers to defend?

    Like it or not the 1st Admendment stands so stop whining about it

    • BathTub


      Your post makes no sense. The lawsuits are because the Christian banners are in violation of the law. The costs are because the some pig headed Religious types think they are above the law and want to waste school budgets on fighting them. Thankfully not all schools are like that.

    • theB1ackSwan


      Humorously, the city decided to *not* appeal the decision. I guess it accepts the fact that it broke the law and won’t be overturned.

      Generalized prayer or not, it’s a violation of the first amendment. Why is this so hard to understand?

      Also, as a side note, when we watch television, we accept that there will be advertisements. If you want to complain about them, get a DVR, record the entirety of a show, and skip the commercials. Likewise, if you don’t like what the music on the radio is proclaiming (if anything), switch the station for a few minutes.

  5. Reply

    It is sad Steve, that you have taken the free speech element from your vids. One of the few commendable things about your youtube channel was that you allowed comments. Of course it allowed me to comment effectively against your superstition so I understand why you have disallowed comments. Anyway, I hope that one day you see the folly of your work and learn to be a friend to all.

  6. Thomas Moore


    That was great Pastor Steve! I’m going to be making a trip next week to a much more populated area to do some evangelism and I will give this a try though I won’t have any way to record it, but I will still give it a swing or a streak!

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