Chick Fil-A CEO’s Secret to Success

Given the current events of the last few weeks, this seems to be an appropriate time to re-post this radical, highly effective, old school evangelism idea.  (See the first radical, highly effective, non-controversial, old-school evangelism idea by clicking here.)

Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy wasn’t shy about his faith Friday when he attributed the huge increase in sales at the fast food chain to the wisdom found in the teachings of Jesus.

Pointing to Matthew 5, 6, and 7, Cathy half-jokingly told the crowd of over 600 people that the Sermon on the Mount is a sermon on how to operate a Chick-fil-A restaurant and how to deal with disgruntled customers.

“So when we probed into this one scripture verse it led us to a radical service makeover within our organization. It became high touch and high tech all at the same time, but particularly high touch,” said Cathy at Biola University’s second annual Imagination Summit.

Jesus taught his followers to go the extra mile, to turn the other cheek when someone strikes them, and to repay someone that hurts them with kindness, the Christian business leader pointed out.

Following this example, Chick-fil-A restaurant employees have undergone “the largest etiquette training” program in the country in order to serve customers paying $6 a meal the same way as patrons of restaurants charging $25 a meal. Read the rest of this article here.

Comments (9)

  1. Orsie(Dodie) Carter


    I was at a Baptist church Sunday in L.A. and they sang a song God Has Spoken! Later I read something on facebook from one of the members of this church stating: I will vote for Obama.

    I immediately thought – that song that they sang did not mean anything to them. God has spoken about alternate life style plainly in the bible, and yet they vote for someone who ignores what God has spoken!! Imagine that!

  2. Bobbie schwartz


    If companies (world) would all heed ~the golden rule~ they might not go defunct. He’s right about sermon on the mount teaching. We all need wisdom begins with fear of the lord. Major problem with nation(s) no wisdom=self serving also not thinking and serving others and helping others. everyone should have copy of golden rule painting hanging in their home or office. Deut 30:19

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