A “Fireproof” Testimony

There’s something strange about seeing a movie in a public theatre where the name of Jesus is said with respect. It’s rather odd to see Christians portrayed as loving, respectful people. And it’s pretty wonderful when you hear an unabashed Christian witness explained on the silver screen. But that’s what you get when you pay to see”Fireproof.” 

Yes, I cried, along with my wife. And I felt good after seeing this film, not slimed. Others apparently feel the same way because the film has made nearly $18 million after three weeks; not bad for a half mil investment. What’s really cool is that it is still in the top ten!

Ray Comfort wrote about a great experience he had after the film in last week’s Newsblast; you’ll be encouraged.

After this week’s Transformed conference on the East Coast, with management’s permission, Kirk, myself (and 14 others from our team) went to a showing of Fireproof. We entered about 30 minutes before the end, and when it concluded, Kirk stood up and introduced himself. You couldn’t have heard a pin drop. There was too much noise — too many gasps of unbelief. They had just watched a wonderful movie and now the hero was standing in front of them… in real life.

He spoke about some of the highlights of the movie, and explained that the woman he kissed in it wasn’t his on-screen wife, but his real wife who was specially flown in as a stunt double (that had to be a Hollywood first). Then Kirk introduced me, and I preached the gospel. It was as much a delight for us to speak as it was for the audience to see him in person. As we made a quick exit, a tall man in his thirty’s ran after us and said that he wanted to surrender his life to Christ. It was sweet icing on the cake of a night.

Comments (3)

  1. maria


    We wanted to watch this with our circle of friends. We’re all married and the women wanted to watch this with their husbands. We planned to put it on right after the superbowl. it was such a great movie. The room got quiet and you could see the “gears” turning in everyone’s minds as the movie progressed. i’ve been with my husband for 18 years. It was nice to have our circle of friends together as we took a “refresher course” on HOW to stay married. I bought the DVD and will keep this in my library.
    aloha ~ Maria

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