The Atheist Challenge: Do you have the guts to sign your name to this contract?

Dear Atheist Reader,

Would you please read the following carefully, and then sign in the comments section—if you agree to it?  This is no joke. Do you have the courage of your convictions? This was written by James Smith  (1802-1862) and is still relevant for today.

I am resolved to persevere in sin, and follow the maxims and customs of those around me–though it costs me the loss of my soul, and exposes me to everlasting damnation. I am resolved to reject the Son of God–I will not embrace Him as my Savior, or have Him reign over me. I am resolved that I will not accept the pardon which God presents to me in the gospel, though it cost Jesus His life to procure it–and I know I must eternally perish without it. I am determined not to submit to God’s way of salvation, and I consent to be lost forever! I have made up my mind, that I will never consent to receive a free salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ–I will not have it!

I am resolved
to reject God’s message. . .
to dare His justice,
to defy His power,
to refuse His mercy,
to brave His threatened wrath, and
to harden myself against all His invitations, expostulations, exhortations, and promises.

I am resolved that I will not . . .
bow to His authority,
yield to His entreaties,
believe on His Son,
repent of my sins,
love His name,
or obey His precepts.

I am determined that there shall never be joy in Heaven among the angels of God––on account of my conversion.