My Great Evangelism Adventure, Pt. 4: Meeting Ray Comfort

Another part in a continuing series on how I discovered my “gift” of evangelism, met Ray Comfort, and had my boring Christian life changed forever. (You can start at part 1 by clicking here.)

I had been sharing my faith for over a year without much success. My daily evangelistic goal seemed fruitless; my witnessing method weak. My Pastor had asked me two questions: “Are you having any conversations? Is anyone getting saved?” Both were answered with a resounding “No!” Then he offered a suggestion: “You may want to get a hold of a man named Ray Comfort. I think he preaches up in Santa Monica each week.”

Who’s Ray Comfort? I mused. How can he help? I promptly wrote his name in my planner with the intention to call him immediately, but forgot about it.

For six months.

I plodded on with my daily goal, continued to write my E-vangie Tales, and considered teaching some sort of evangelism class. I was very zealous for the Lord’s cause, but extremely frustrated that no one would listen to me, at least to the point of making a decision for Christ. Didn’t they know that I had the words of eternal life? Didn’t anyone care? Was no one concerned that they may end up in a fiery Hell for eternity?

Then our church web design guy dropped a name.

All Super Heroes Go to Heaven

Spiderman, Batman, and two, count ’em two Supermen(!) were all asked about eternal things—on camera—when we visited Hollywood on Saturday. One Superman said he was a Christian yet didn’t go to church; the other couldn’t even remember the name of his church. Batman was a good person/believer and Spiderman swore and shoved my cameraman. These guys, so used to saving

Sudden Death: Bag of Pot

In a desperate attempt to conceal evidence, a man panics, then perishes… The horrible video of the tragic event described below is a grim reminder that sudden death can overtake anyone at anytime. Are you ready? From Deputies attempted to handcuff Andrew Grande and were able to place a handcuff on one wrist. During