Chuc Mung Nam Moi!

That’s Happy New Year in Vietamese! Today is the start of year 4707 for the Chinese and Vietnamese: The Year of the Ox!!!

In Little Saigon last year, we were mobbed—mobbed—as we handed out Million-Dollar Bill Gospel tracts and $100 Giant Money tracts.


Right at the get go, this man gave his life to Christ!

Of course, Security came to warn us that we couldn’t do what we were doing;

Sudden Death: Hazed!

An 18-year-old freshman at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo died of alcohol poisoning after a fraternity party. The teen had alcohol levels between 0.39% and 4.5% in his blood and other bodily fluids, roughly five times the legal limit for presumed intoxication in California. Police said they believe the student’s death resulted from a hazing by