2008 Year in Review, Part 2

(Please read part 1 here.)

April was the beginning of the Ambassador’s Alliance, a ministry from the Way of the Master that trains people from around the world to share their faith in a boot camp style setting. I had the privelege of being a mentor to some fired-up evangelists who surprised me by “getting up on the box” and doing their very first open air session in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater.

What really blessed me was having two evangelism leaders from our church, “Righteous Richard” Chavarria and Ed Lee, also being asked to lead teams. The amazing thing is that they were students in the very first evangelism class I taught in 2006, and now they get to teach others from around the world in the best evangelistic outreach there is.

What embarrassed me was getting starstruck while preaching on my box when John Travolta suddenly appeared. I then jumped off the box to get a closer look, ruining my salvation message.

In May I was told that the American Idol Finals were being held in Downtown L.A.. I jumped in my car and preached 9 times to the thousands waiting to get into the Nokia Theater to get a glimpse of their own false gods.

At the end of this adventure, I was bushed.

Memorial Day kicked off the street fair circuit. We did something new: We attracted crowds by using “I.Q. Tests” in our booths. People were lined up 3-4 deep to take the tests which ended with an evangelism presentation.

At these fairs we always, always, preach to the lines at the bus stops, too.


Then it was off to the NBA Finals, where I got pulled off a street sign by some angry official looking dude.

And can you believe it? “Righteous Richard” Chavarria wasn’t allowed to continue preaching on a planter?

In June I changed this evangelism blog from EvTales to StoneThePreacher. Click to find out why.

The highlight of my pastoral career, especially as an evangelist, was preaching Jonathan Edward’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” four times in one weekend at my church. I heard somewhere that Edwards’ had fasted for three days before preaching it so people would respond to the message; I did the same and the results were surprising. Click here to read what happened and to listen to it online if you wish.

Okay. This is getting way too long and I’m bored recapping everything from this past year. Suffice it to say that God allowed us to do amazing things as we took a step of faith. From preaching at the Emmy Awards…

…to praying a “legal prayer” in Jesus’ name at a City Council meeting. From interrupting a gay/straight debate over Prop 8 at El Camino College…

…to a crazy man shouting the Gospel to surfers in the waves at Huntington Beach.

And who can forget Val Scott preaching inside IN-N-OUT BURGERS?

Anyway, you get the picture. Please check out the archives if you want to see more like the persecution we underwent at the USC football games and at the Hollywood Santa Parade.

But, you do get the picture, huh? Dontcha?

Comments (1)

  1. Reply

    What a year!
    I wish my church was as fired up for evangelism as ya’ll’s is. And we live in the Bible Belt! But I guess Paul Washer had it right when he said it’s incredibly easy to live in the Bible Belt and go to church your whole life and be lost. 🙁
    But I’m praying for God to work in my church and I’m seeing it! My youth pastor lets me preach once a month to my youth group and this week I feel the message God has given me is what we need more than anything. I’m so excited and in prayer over this message and I think I’m going to fast for 3 days beforehand as well. Would you mind reading over it Brother Steve? It would mean a lot to me if you did. And you could correct anything you see wrong with it.

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